Saturday, March 31, 2012

isobar map

This isobar map shows the atmospheric pressure across the United States.  Low and High pressures are clearly visible across the map.  The average atmospheric pressure on earth is 1013

Lidar map

This Lidar map shows the topography of the sea floor near the south Moloka'i Reef's.  Maps like this are extremely important in guiding ships in and out of ports safely.

Thematic map

This Thematic map shows the overall trend for each state's control of the Governors' office in 2007.  You can see some trends such as the deep south being mostly Republican or the Pacific northwest being mostly Democrat.


This cartogram shows a map of the world.  It looks a bit funny doesn't it?  That is because each country is proportioned to reflect the GDP it puts out every year.  You can see the United States are very large as is Japan, but you can barely see Africa

population profile

This population map, shows the earths population.  It also shows how many people on Earth live with or live without AIDs.  As you can see the Earth's population is more young people which means its growing, but it is still sad to see  how many people live with AIDs

Doppler Radar map

This is a doppler radar map showing hurricane Charlie slamming the State of Florida.  It shows how strong the wind was and the amount of rainfall.

Propaganda map

This is map showing land Israel has conceded over the past 40 some years in order for peace.  This is not entirely true,  This is a propaganda map trying to show that Israel is the only country in the region trying to achieve peace,  however from a global survey, most citizens of the world say Israel is the biggest threat to world peace.